11th Year of FREE Ear Surgery for poor patients by IMRA Charity in Mirpurkhas, Sindh (12th-16th Dec 2021)

Prof. Ausaf Khan of Hamdard University operating

IMRA has provided this free service for poor patients unable to travel to big cities like Karachi and Hyderabad.

There are no ENT surgeons in Mirpurkhas who perform Middle Ear surgery.

Since 2009 over 500 Middle Ear disease patients have been operated upon by IMRA Team. The Team consists of surgeons from the UK, a few Pakistani surgeons and some trainees from both places who work under supervision.

The total amount of services provided in the last 11 years in monetary terms comes to approx. £1 million.

The operations were initially performed at Civil Hospital, Mirpurkhas, but since the last few years, IMRA has been operating at Bhitai Welfare Hospital as there are no ENT surgeons currently in the government hospital.

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