2nd Meeting of International Medical Graduates in the UK in ENT

Venue: London, UK.Date: 13th May, 2006. Report by: Mr Naveed Khan, (ClinicaI Fellow in Ototaryngology. Hope Hospital, Salford, Manchester. UK.)

The 2nd meeting of International Medical Graduates (IMGs) in ENT took place at Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow, London, under the leadership of Mr Ali Kalan, Consultant ENT Surgeon. The purpose of the meeting was to continue to provide a forum where IMGs in ENT can discuss various issues relating to their training and job prospects, besides gaining career advice from their senior colleagues amidst rapid changes occurring in the NHS. More than 30 consultants, Assoc. Spec, staff grades, SpRs and SHOs from all over the UK attended the meeting.

The meeting started with a mock SpR interview. The interview was conducted by Mr Ali Kalan and Mrs Rajput, Consultant Audiological Physician at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children. The candidate was asked questions on common topics as he would in a formal setting. The answers were critically analysed by the consultants doing the interview. All the participants were then allowed to take part in the discussion that followed regarding interview techniques.

Mrs K Rajput gave a lecture entitled ‘How to prepare for an interview.' She emphasised the importance of knowledge of current issues afflicting NHS and the changes that are taking place in the training grades.

Mr Khalid Ghufoor, Consultant ENT Surgeon at St Bartholomew’s Hospital London NHS Trust spoke eloquently on ‘How to prepare a winning CV.' Working in a large teaching hospital, he has to look at a good number of CVs. In particular he described what it takes to make an eye catching CV among the plethora of CVs that consultants must go through in order to create a short listing of candidates. At the end of his talk, Mr Ghufoor spoke about the new visa rules for post-graduate training of overseas doctors, and he highlighted the importance of getting a Highly Skilled Migrant Programme Visa to remain employable in the current system.

A slideshow presentation about the current state of its affairs regarding Article 14, sent by PMETB, was delivered by Mr H Khan. The implication of this article and its effect on the careers of SAS Grade doctors was highlighted. He stressed the importance of taking the Inter-Collegiate FRCS in Otolaryngology examination, which SAS doctors might have to pass to prove their clinical knowledge and experience.

The afternoon session ended with a sumptuous Indian (Kenyan flavour) meal, which was relished by the delegates. Mr Kalan thanked all the delegates and the speakers, and his efforts to organise the meeting and the meal was greatly appreciated by all.

For further details, email: ent_society@yahoo.co.uk


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