6th Meeting of International / UK Medical Graduates in ENT

Venue: Royal Al Faisal Balti Restaurant, Balti Triangle, Birmingham. Date: 17th May. 2008. Report by: Mr Faiz Tanweer, SpR(LAT), Norwich, UK.

The 6th meeting of International Medical Graduates (IMGs) took place on 17th May, 2008 at a posh restaurant in Birmingham. The venue was well appreciated as the upper hall was reserved for the meeting and Mr ljaz Ahmed, Consultant from Birmingham was congratulated for choosing and arranging the venue.

Mr M Khan welcomed the delegates who were about 35 in number. Some families also joined the meeting. The main speaker for the evening was Mr Hisham Mehanna, Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon at Coventry University Hospital. The meeting started with an update on lndus Charity Hospital by Mr I Yousuf of Chesterfield who had visited the Hospital in Karachi recently. He explained the various ENT facilities available there and what one could expect if one decides to go there. A UK-based charity called IMRA can - arrange visits to the Charity Hospital in Karachi.

Mr AM Khan was in Karachi at the time of meeting co-ordinating the LION Satellite link at Indus Hospital Karachi which was held on 21st May four days after the above meeting. This was the first ever live satellite link up in otolaryngology in Pakistan. A great deal of interest developed amongst the members present. They appreciated the efforts of Mr AM Khan in arranging the use of technology to promote surgical expertise and knowledge in this way.

The meeting was sponsored by NEILMED and Mr Marc Downie spoke briefly about the efficacy of Sinus Rinse.

Mr Hisham Mehanna followed and talked about the Management of a Thyroid Nodule presenting in an ORL/Head-Neck clinic. Mr Mehanna discussed the management of the thyroid nodule, reviewing the recently issued 2nd edition of the British Thyroid Association guidelines on that subject. The guidelines recommend that most thyroid nodules do not need to be referred through the two week wait mechanism, reserving this only for very rapidly growing nodules, or those associated with hoarseness or stridor. It is recommended that all patients with a thyroid nodule should have thyroid function tests, as well as fine needle aspiration, preferably under ultrasound guidance. Management is then guided by the results of the fine needle aspiration. A watch and wait policy with further scans and needle biopsy can be followed if a benign cytology is reported. Follicular aspirates or those suspicious of cancer are managed by diagnostic operations. Popular myths surrounding thyroid nodule management, such as cancer does not occur in multinodular goitre; small nodules are more likely to be benign, were also dispelled by evidence from the literature. His talk generated a good question and answer session

As usual the meeting concluded with a lavish meal which all the delegates and their families enjoyed. The next meeting is scheduled for 25th October, 2008 in Manchester later in the year.

For details on the Society email: ent_society@yahoo.co.uk

ENT NEWS | VOL 17 NO 5 | NOV/DEC 2008

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